Die Suche ergab 146 Treffer
- So 9. Mär 2025, 14:01
- Forum: Flugzeugerkennung - Aircraft ID - with Models
- Thema: Kit-History: Cruver Recognition Models
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 17428
Kit-History: Cruver Recognition Models
Polk's Hobbies and Cruver Recognition Models Once WW2 was finished, the US Government initiated the sell off or disposal of war materials. If we watch the movie, TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH!, we get to see a myriad of b-17 Cruver Recognition models. Most of those models were purchased from Polk's Hobbies i...
- Di 3. Dez 2024, 07:44
- Forum: Marine/Ships
- Thema: 1:200 - Oceanliner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Große
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 42955
Re: 1:200 - Oceanliner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Große
next two illustrations to this big ship
- Fr 29. Nov 2024, 17:56
- Forum: Marine/Ships
- Thema: 1:200 - Oceanliner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Große
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 42955
1:200 - Oceanliner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Große
Found in facebook Oceanliner SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Große - Scale 1:200 Radio Controled Länge 198 m = 990 mm in 200 scale ! Breite: 20 m Stapellauf: 4. Mai 1897 Reederei: Norddeutscher Lloyd Hellmonsoedterwerft Modellbau3D - Printing for Scale Models seopSrnotd.50h4nMc648ai83c6194ccc40mhu3u9taf6gl410...
- Sa 16. Nov 2024, 13:41
- Forum: Flugzeuge/Aircraft
- Thema: 1:200 Diorama – build by Andrew Crowe – source fb
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 32933
1:200 Diorama – build by Andrew Crowe – source fb
My first real attempt at a large diorama, the B727 production line in 1/200 scale. It measures 1000mm x 550mm. 80% of the diorama is scratchbuilt with the remaining 20% being the aircraft which are Hasegawa kits. It took approximately 12 months to complete and was a thoroughly enjoyable build. Great...
- Mi 6. Nov 2024, 03:34
- Forum: Flugzeugerkennung - Aircraft ID - with Models
- Thema: Plane Model offers - 200 scale
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 22336
Plane Model offers - 200 scale
list of 1/200 models - offer by Peter: A-10 Thunderbold 4x vorhanden -> 20- -## Euro € - - HBM Crawford Resin Cessna O-2 3x vorhanden -> 15- -## Euro € - - Metall knight F 100 2x vorhanden -> 10- -## Euro € - - HBM Crawford Resin F 101 2x vorhanden -> 10- -## Euro € - - Plastik unbekannt F 117 4x v...
- Di 15. Okt 2024, 06:47
- Forum: Sonstiges/Miscellaneous
- Thema: Construction of display cases
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 34264
Construction of display cases
Construction of display cases There was already a question about where to store our valuable display pieces. I had already posted photos of my finished glass cases here. # At the weekend I built a few NEW ones again and here you can see step by step how it's done. Of course I had the glass panes cu...
- So 29. Sep 2024, 13:48
- Forum: Sonstiges/Miscellaneous
- Thema: Interesting...
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 10396
The 1942 program to produce recognition models by teenage modelers in the US was featured in Life Magazine in March,1942.
- So 4. Aug 2024, 11:35
- Forum: Flugzeugerkennung - Aircraft ID - with Models
- Thema: Recognition Journal - 1945 - USA
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 13214
Recognition Journal - 1945 - USA
here issue 03 - 1945
- Sa 27. Jul 2024, 11:44
- Forum: Flugzeugerkennung - Aircraft ID - with Models
- Thema: Future planes in 200 scale
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 13851
Future planes in 200 scale
1:200 scale candidates, this time from Shapeways just before their July 2024 bankruptcy.
Shown here are the PAK-DA, Sukhoi LTS, Boeing NGAD, Mitsubshi F-3A, SAAB FS2020, Lockheed NGTC, and undersized B-21 Raider
Ronald Crawford
Shown here are the PAK-DA, Sukhoi LTS, Boeing NGAD, Mitsubshi F-3A, SAAB FS2020, Lockheed NGTC, and undersized B-21 Raider
Ronald Crawford
- Sa 27. Jul 2024, 11:35
- Forum: Flugzeugerkennung - Aircraft ID - with Models
- Thema: Model Presentation
- Antworten: 0
- Zugriffe: 12251
Model Presentation
Gebrauchsfertige Präsentationsmethoden: # die Riker Mount-Präsentationsboxen Anbei finden Sie verschiedene Präsentationsbilder aus meiner 1:200-Sammlung. Es wäre großartig, wenn alle Hersteller Wiking und Hansa und die Royal Merchant Marine nachahmen und andere Modellsets ordentlich verpackt anbiet...